Thursday, December 13, 2012

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree

Every year we go out in the woods, only 30 minutes from home, and scope out our Christmas Tree. I love that our ceilings are vaulted because we can have a 12 -15 foot tree. There is just something about a large tree that I love.

I had to work this year on the day that worked the best, weather wise, to go out and get the tree so Mackenna and Dad headed out to find us the perfect tree this year.

Here they are.... They didn't do too shabby. 

Here is the tree all decorated. The cluster of ornaments is my wonderful daughter and her 
superb decorating skills. I've rearranged the tree a couple of times, and the ornaments see to group themselves back together again. Mackenna 1 - Mommy 0.

Every year we go to the Ornament both at the mall and get a new Ornament made for the year. This is the first year we get to add Liam. :) 

I love this time of year of hanging out with Family. In a week or so we are headed to Seattle, Washington to hang with my side of the family for Christmas. So excited..

Friday, December 7, 2012

Elf On a Shelf

What happened the last week. Things have been out of whack with me and my family and my mom's health the last week, this week snuck away.

Elf on a Shelf...! Have you heard of it?

This is my first year using it. It was a gift from my Grandma last Christmas and this year is the first year we have put it to the test. Mackenna has named her Elf Cody. No, idea where the name came from, it's just something she went with, so the name is Cody.

It's been fun thinking of things to do with the elf everynight, or more like last minute before I leave the house each day.

Here is what Cody has been up too!

What are you doing with your Elf this year?